
韮蔥炒鹹瘦豬肉Fried Marinated Pork With Leeks  




Leeks have a mild onion-like taste. In its raw state, the vegetable is crunchy and firm. I used leeks to create this amazing rustic dish. I fried the marinated pork with leeks. This is a delicious and simple to make pork recipe that I promise will become a favorite.  

Lets get cooking!



700 gramsof pork filet, sliced瘦豬肉片

1 tsp.salt

2 tsp. pepper, grated 研磨胡椒

2 tsp.brown sugar棕糖

2 tsp. garlic powder蒜粉

1 tsp. ginger powder薑粉

2 pieces of star anise, grated研磨八角

2 tsp. sesame oil麻油

1 leek, sliced

2 Tbsp. olive oil 橄欖油

1 Tbsp. oyster sauce 蠔油

Pepper to taste 適量胡椒

½ tsp. sesame oil 麻油


1) 取一深鍋放入前八項材料,將豬肉片與醃料抓麻,並放入冰箱一天醃製,取出後切丁狀置旁待命。

Place the first 8 ingredients in a pot. Massage the meat with the spice thatlet it marinate in a refrigerator for 24 hours. Then cube the pork filet.

好吃的韮蔥炒鹹瘦豬肉Fried Marinated Pork With Leeks   

2) 取一鐵鑄炒鍋或炒鍋,加入橄欖油大火熱鍋,大約一至二分鐘後,放入豬肉丁,轉中火快炒大約三至五分鐘,直到豬肉丁開始熟嫩後,加入蔥和蠔油一起拌炒,最後試味道,灑些麻油後盛盤,趁熱享用喲!

Set a cast-iron or steel pan over high heat for 1-2 minutes until hot. Pour the olive oil into the center of the hot pan. Add the pork stirring to coat with the oil. Let the pork cook over medium heat for about 3~5 minutes or until the cubes are just beginning to soften. Add the leek and oyster sauce and stir together. Mix well. Finally, pour in some sesame oil and serve warm.



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