
北極野兔Arctic hare~1IMG_1385  


北極野兔Arctic hare~2  

牠們的生存絕招,就是能隨著季節的不同而改變自己的顏色,夏天和秋天灰褐色,到冬天毛色變為白色。白色起光學反射作用,使天敵難以發現 所以人們也稱它為雪兔。極野兔是食草本物,在冬天時於雪上洞吃苔蘚地衣,其它季節吃植物根部嫩葉野果、雜草和樹皮。母的北極野兔,於春天或初夏繁殖,每年只能,每大約有28隻小野兔 幼兔停留母兔的活動範圍,到九月時已經成長迅速,直到有足夠能力獨自謀生。如果牠們沒有被天敵掠食或是反常起因,牠們的壽命平均為5年。很厲害的是幼兔剛產就能看西,這應該也環境造就出來的物種吧

北極野兔Arctic hare~3IMG_1384  


北極野兔Arctic hare~4IMG_1433  

Hello, welcome to North of The Arctic Circle! Those are Arctic hare, which look like rabbits but have shorter ears and are taller when standing. The body mass of this species is typically between 4 to 5.5 kg, though large individuals can weigh up to 7 kg. Hare survive with a thick coat of fur and usually dig holes in the ground or under snow to keep warm and sleep. They can thrive in cold climates. The arctic hare changes its coat color, molting and growing new fur. The change from brown or grey in the summer and fall, to white in the winter to remain camouflaged as the environment changes. The arctic hare's diet consists primarily of woody plants, mosses, and lichens, which they may dig through the snow to find in winter. In other seasons they eat buds, berries, leaves, roots, grasses, and bark. Females give birth to one litter per year, in spring or early summer. Two to eight young hares grow quickly and by September resemble their parents. The young hares stay within the mother's home range until they are old enough to survive on their own. They will be ready to breed the following year. Their average life span is five years if they are not killed by predation or unnatural causes.

北極野兔Arctic hare~5  

We went to the community ice hockey league’s year end event yesterday because Jesse volunteered as a coach; therefore, we were invited to this supper; when we finished the meal we walked home and we saw a couple of Arctic hare playing close to our house. It was such a joy to watch them frolic around!

北極野兔Arctic hare~6  

In accordance withCanadian Museum of Nature, the male Arctic hare's display behaviour may be triggered by the increase in daylight in March. All breeding needs to occur in a limited and specific time so that the young are born at the optimum time for adequate summer feeding and growth that will allow them to survive the coming winter.

Now the days are growing longer here. It means that 24 hour daylight will be upon us soon.



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