收柔(音譯) 帶有顯著地生氣勃勃的,並且它的葉子是酸的味道。可以理解它的酸味名聲,被許多人將它形容成檸檬的口味。它的檸檬味道可以很微妙的混拌深綠色植物像草酸味道。同時它的亮度光鮮味道很明顯,和充分的礦物質。
這麼優質的植物繁殖方式是從種子種起,大部分在3月播種,當然它也許也可以在春天季節的任何月份播種。 播種適度地稀薄,在6英寸的盆子底座鑽孔,適度地稀疏地播種,苗栽會長到1或2英寸高時,在七月時莖葉會長出,葉子長出後可以在任何時間剪下莖葉,超嫩口感的葉子讓廚房有很好地使用,口感也比過老的葉子好吃多了。 根部仍然會再長出新葉子,它們總會有鮮嫩的葉子供應。
而您所需的只是有耐心和喜愛照料他們; 他們可以整年都是美麗的。有一個方法能確信的是,建造在一年內的花開生長的相同循環週期的植物種類。當花潮一波消失時,另一個花潮出現。您的庭院將是一片永久常青的綠洲。
I'd never heard of those plants, so I am excited to look into them further and hope to be able to keep harvesting what we have growing now. As a result, it is amazing to me just how good it tasted when I added it to a salad.
There are two kinds of plants cultivated as vegetables for salads, which are called sorrel. Botanically it is Rumex Acetosa, it is a plant indigenous to England, and is also common in Europe, too. It is generally found in pastures where the soil contains iron.
Sorrel has a remarkably bright and even tart flavor. Many people liken its taste to lemons, which makes sense since there is a real note of sourness in there. It can be tricky to work with, since that lemony flavor is mixed with a deep "greens" and grassy flavor. It is bright and deep, sharp and full of mineral all at once.
Sorrel is well known for the grateful acidity of its herbage, which is most marked when the plant is in full season, though in early spring it is almost tasteless.
The finest plants are propagated from seed, sown in March, though it may be sown in any of the spring months. Sow moderately thin, in drills 6 inches apart, and thin out when the plants are 1 or 2 inches high. When the stalks run up in July, they should be cut back. The roots will then put out new leaves, which will be tender and better for kitchen use than the older leaves, so that by cutting down the shoots of some plants at different times, there will always be a supply of young leaves.
Both varieties are generally increased by dividing the roots, which may be done either in spring or autumn, the roots being planted about a foot apart each way, and watered.
Sorrel is part of the knotweed family that includes rhubarb and buckwheat as well as wild docks, and knotweed. There are several varieties people consumed and that may be for sale at farmers markets.
Hi reader, it is really a perfect time to propagate plants in spring, which are your particular vegetables. They will be organic, and you can save some money.
All you need is to be patient and enjoy taking care of them; they can be beautiful all year long. Find species of plants that bloom in around the same period of the year. This way you can make sure that, when one wave of flowers disappears, another one appears. Your garden will be a refreshing oasis.
Super sorrel! I think they will live here year round. Growing your plant, which is a pretty houseplant, when planted in soil and so useful as you can just snip what you need when you need it!
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