
低吹雪Drifting Snow~20140501~1IMG_1514  


低吹雪Drifting Snow~20140501~2IMG_1509  

今天風聲鶴唳一直不斷地從地上低吹著雪,這冰凍的風明亮不太沉重以至於外出時不太受到影響。低吹雪意謂著地面上的雪被空氣中的風流吸住和飄浮到地面上移動的小雪。 其中還有一個定義是;移動在地面上的高度不超過6英尺 (大約2米)。 氣象學家依據風吹揚的高度和不同的處理方式來標名。有時許多危險也會發生自低吹雪,包括減少可見度,積堆厚雪的高點形成後沒有可見性。 它可能也造成路面變得詭譎和溜滑,而且也造成路面必須承受厚重的雪和放在室外的東西可能被損壞。

今天不管低吹雪如何; 都不會影響我的好心情,我盡情沈浸在窗前享受晴朗美麗的天空。


低吹雪Drifting Snow~20140501~3  

I lived through two major blizzards in the last couple months here. The community took the day off as well, and the wind chill has been -57 degrees.In fact, a building or a car could be buried by snow.

The snow is a certain consistency on the ground today; it is frozen, bright and not too heavy. The drifting snow is captured by the wind and suspended in the air, moving just above the ground or through the air. One of the definitions for drifting snow is that it must be moving above the ground, but at a height of no more than 6 feet (about 2 meters). Any snow that is being carried by the wind above this height is designated as blowing snow and is handled differently by meteorologists. Many hazards are presented by drifting snow, including a reduction in visibility, sometimes almost to the point of no visibility. It can also cause roads to become treacherous and slippery, and it may damage property and other outdoor objects by being deposited in large amounts on surfaces that do not usually have to withstand the weight of snow.

Anyway Drifting Snow is here today; I sat in front of window enjoying the sunshine. Have a great day everyone!

低吹雪Drifting Snow~20140501~4  



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