
Container Garden  

Welcome to my indoor garden! Fresh herbs are flavorful additions to many dishes, and every dish tastes better with fresh herbs. There's no better way to get fresh herbs than to grow them myself. I planted some basil, cilantro, green onion, arugula, and mixed salad greens in throwaway yogurt containers. Drill small drainage holes in the bottom with a power drill. Make sure the planters get plenty of sun and don't let the soil dry out.

Indoor herb gardens IMG_0839  

From classic herb favorites such as basil, they are easy to grow and care for. Most herbs are naturals to start from seed; it is simple to get your herb garden crops growing. Once your herbs are established, they'll need regular care, including dividing, pruning, and harvesting; make the most out of your herb garden's bounty with this advice.

What fun gardening is! Indoor herb gardens let you exercise your green thumb year-round.


歡迎光臨我的室內庭園! 新鮮的香草讓菜餚更加味濃芬芳,而且吃起來更美味加分。沒有更佳途徑比自己種植新鮮香草成長有成。我使用吃完的優格塑膠材質罐,種了羅勒香草、芫荽(香菜)、青蔥、芝麻菜還有一些綜合的綠色沙拉生菜。我將塑膠容器底部鑽小洞讓排水通暢 。務必讓盆栽有光源照射並且不要讓土壤乾枯。

羅勒香草是最典型的香草,他們很容易茁長和照料。大部份的香草種植都是由天然的種子開始; 簡單的指示方法(種子包裝都有說明) 。 一旦您的香草發芽後,必需有規律地照料,包括分盆,修剪和收成; 這些都是對香草收成的一些建議。


20140324 mixed salad  


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